Our custom voice feature was one of the most anticipated features for LOVO Genny users, and it certainly has lived up to the hype as one of the hottest add-ons we’ve provided to date.

We’ve been flooded with questions and comments about how to enhance the quality of your created voices, so we are going to share a few tips and tricks that will help your voice come out clearer and more natural.

Make sure to check out our tutorial for a step-by-step walkthrough for creating and improving your custom voice.

1) Mic 🎤

As you can imagine, the most important tool in the arsenal of anyone recording any form of audio is the mic. To start voice cloning, you don’t need expensive equipment to get started!

Your microphone on your phone or laptop can produce great-quality recordings. However, if you are interested in getting “studio-quality” levels of recording of your custom cloned voice, then we suggest investing in a mic, even if it’s something in the $50~100 range from Amazon.

Regardless of whether you have a full-blown studio or just your headphones and a laptop, anyone can achieve good-quality voice clones as long as you record in an optimal environment – which happens to be our next point!

2) Environment 👂

So we got the mic covered but what about the recording environment? You want a nice quiet spot away from any white noise from electronics, fans, and humming from the fridge, and ideally, a space with as little echo as possible.

This may sound crazy, but the best place at home to record is in your closet – even if it is just big enough to get your laptop and head in to record, it’s an excellent space due to the clothes absorbing all the sound.

Of course, if you happen to have a soundproof room or studio, that would be the optimal place to do it but let’s go with the former and say closets for the win. Even the tiniest of sounds can make it into your final recording, so this is a really important step to get right.

3) Energy 🔥

A great mic and a perfect environment will be wasted without energy. When creating and improving your custom voice, we strongly recommend matching the energy with the style you want for your cloned voice.

Want a high-energy presenter voice who is really to instill some knowledge? You best get ready to bring your energetic self to the mic. Equally, if you want to create a calm, peaceful voice for narrating a story or perhaps a podcast, then you will also want to use keep that energy when recording.

You get what you give when it comes to creating custom-cloned voices with Genny. There is a certain amount of change you can make to your cloned voice by using different settings and punctuation, but to get the best results and highest quality, we advise making specific voices for each style of voice you need.

4) Be Consistent With Your Pronunciation 🎯

Imagine you are teaching a child how to read “1999” for the first time.

The first time you read it as “nineteen ninety-nine”, the second time as “one thousand nine hundred ninety-nine”, and the third time as “one nine nine nine”.

If you ask that child how to read that number on their own next time they see it, they are going to say one of the three things with a 33% chance each. Or worse off, they’ll think of an abomination like “one thousand nine ninety-nine”. If you stay consistent with how you pronounce your words, your cloned voice will sound much more natural and smooth.

5) Be Consistent With Your Punctuation 💯

In the same line of thought as point 4, make sure you are expressing the same emotion, tone, and pitch, as well as the length of pause, for the 4 major punctuations. Think in your head how you want to express each punctuation, how long of a pause you want to give for each, and stick to it when you are reading your sentences. We know you got this!

– Comma (,)

– Period (.)

– Exclamation Mark (!)

– Question Mark (?)

6) Practice Makes Perfect Voice Clones 💫

A study says that nobody can read for more than 10 minutes without making a mistake, whether it be mispronouncing a word, misplacing a word (adding or skipping), or accenting on the wrong syllable. Ok, there isn’t an actual study, but I know you empathized with that claim when you read it.

Take a bit of time to practice your recording (if you are submitting voice data), or having multiple goes at recording your voice in Genny will make all the difference when it comes to generating your voice clone. Try to avoid any ums, ahhs, or unnatural breaks in when recording.

7) Four Sentences Is Enough 👍

To train your voice, you only need around one minute of voice data or four sentences that are around 15 seconds long. Crazy right?

It doesn’t take much time cloning and improving your custom voice, but as we mentioned above in point number 2, the quality of your recording is most important. Having a crystal-clear recording of your voice (or as close as possible) is the key to having a great cloned voice to use for your content.

🚧 Let’s Get Creating! 🚀

As always, if you are not sure how to execute any of the above tips, or if you are simply curious about how you can further improve your recording quality, shoot us an email at [email protected]

More tips and tricks for you:
Creating Your Custom Voice
How to Create a Professional Voiceover in 5 Minutes
How to Choose the Right Music for Your Content